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256 items [showing 1 - 20]


Buist Quadrangle Outlined Regional Tectonic Map
Buist Quadrangle Outlined Regional Geologic Map
Buist Quadrangle Cross Sections, Two Hypotheses
Buist Quadrangle, Structural Cross Section
Structure Map of the Wissahickon Schist at Philadelphia
Wissahickon Formation in Southeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania
Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from the Marine Formations along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Stratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Wissahickon Formation in Southeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania
Thermal Evolution of a Convergent Orogen, Pressure-Temperature-Deformation Time paths in the central Appalachian Piedmont of Pennsylvania and Delaware
The Wissahickon Schist At Philadelphia Showing Areal Geology, Metamorphic Zones and Numbered Localities
Aeromagnetic Map of Wilmington, Delaware Area and Adjacent Parts
Index Map For Specimens of Wissahickon Schist of Philadelphia
Geology of the Limekiln Knoll Quadrangle Northcentral Utah
Crystalline Rocks of the Honey Brook 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Structural Petrology of the Wissahickon Schist Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Preliminary Study of the Application of the Insoluble Residue Technique Limestones of the Chester Valley, Norristown Quadrangle, Pennsylvania
Geology of the Limekiln Knoll Quadrangle Northcentral Utah
Petrology and Metamorphism in the Marcus Hook Quadrangle, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Petrology and Metamorphism in the Marcus Hook Quadrangle, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Geology of the Limekiln Knoll Quadrangle Northcentral Utah
