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18896 items [showing 18,881 - 18,896]


Envelope of letter from Constant Guillou to Job Roberts Tyson, 1844 May or March 20
Order from Job Roberts Tyson for plaintiff to produce title papers, 1846 February 26
Note from Constant Guillou
Letter from Henry Cope, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Brother, 17 June 1839
Letter from Francis R. Cope to Uncle
Letter From Henry Cope, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father, 10 May 1837
Letter from Henry Cope, Greensborough, North Carolina, to Father, 3 November 1830
Letter to Thomas P Copes Jr.'s Attorney Regarding Taxes, 1895-10-16
Letter from the Charles Warner Company to the Cope Brothers, 1892 May 27
Letter from the Charles Warner Company to the Cope Brothers, 1892 May 23
Letter from R.C. McMurtrie to a Cope Brother, 1892 May 28
Letter from the Charles Warner Company to the Cope Brothers, 1892 June 11
Letter from R.C. McMurtrie to a Cope Brother, 1892 June 2
Letter from the Charles Warner Company to Thomas P. Cope Jr., 1898 July 28
