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200 items [showing 181 - 200]


Students on parallel bars
Gymnastics student
Students on parallel bars
Gymnastics team, 1926
Gymnastics team, 1926
Gymnastics team, 1927
1928 gymnastics team
Gymnastics team, 1928
Gymnastics team, 1928
Gymnastics team, 1909
Gymnastics team, 1910
Gymnastics team, 1910
Building muscles while building minds : athletics and the early years of women's education exhibit, archived wesbite
Women's Lacrosse game c.1987-88
Field Hockey Fall 1988
Spectators 1983-1984
Women's Lacrosse vs. Lynchburg
1987-88 Women's Lacrosse
Koren Miller '95 shoots in a basketball game against Albright
Colleen Leonard '98 in game against Hopkins
