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183 items [showing 141 - 160]


Aux Fabriques de France
Aux Fabriques de France
Philip Ostheim, Merchant Tailor
Philip Ostheim, Merchant Tailor
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
Philip Ostheim, Merchant Tailor
Philip Ostheim, Merchant Tailor
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
P. Ostheim & Son, Fine Clothing and Tailoring
A La Tentation : Grand Magasins de la Tentation
Curwen Stoddart & Brother
Maison H. Symays : Manufacture de gants de peau
Maison H. Symays : Manufacture de gants de peau
Maison H. Symays : Manufacture de gants de peau
Maison H. Symays : Manufacture de gants de peau
