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215 items [showing 121 - 140]


Tanks at Aubreville
Montigny Pierret family Type 3 house/ Montigny (Chatillon district) Pierret family. Type 3 house.
Tea at Grange le Comte
Showerbath Dole
Brizeau Hospital
Dugouts in the Argonne.
Oxen and 3 ton truck Ornans
Les Islettes Shop.
Cafe Robinson huts Dole.
Mission hut on Hindenburg Line. Wire entanglement. Marvin Short.
Building school house at Montblainville.
Chicken Sale
Charmont old Ladies Home.
Samoens Babies.
machine Shop at Ornans
Snow at Neuilly. 40 houses erected in this village
Children at Samoens. Sleeping on blanket.
German Prisoners.
Brizeaux Hospital.
Cite des Amis. (Neuvilly)
