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131 items [showing 121 - 131]


National W.C.T.U. Convention; Fort Worth, Texas; Nov. 16-20, 1901
National Superintendent; Cincinnati; 1903
New Jersey State Industrial Union Council; Guest; 2nd Annual C.I.O. Convention; Jersey City; Nov. 18-19, 1939; tag on pin/ Mr. Lowenthal
Forum '85. Kay Camp WILPF. Nairobi, Kenya July 10-19
Sisters, Keep Your Eyes on the Light! Philadelphia Delegation. NGO Forum. Beijing. '95.
Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration.  Mohonk, N.Y.
10th Annual Meeting.  Lake Mohong Conference on International Arbitration.  Mohonk, N.Y.
Devere Allen, Connecticut.  Delegate.  Special National Convention.  Socialist Party U.S.A.  Chicago, ILL.
Women's Equality Summit & Congressional Action Day. NC of WO. YW. March 26th and 27th, 2007
WILPF Triennial Congress. June 26-30, 2002
National Lesbian Conference. April 24-28, 1991. Atlanta, GA.
