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620 items [showing 121 - 140]


George Croghan's Instructions from William Johnson, November 24, 1756
General Stanwix's letter to Israel Pemberton, August 14, 1759
Message of Indians West of the Ohio to Friends, March 4, 1775
Cherokee's message to the Lenapis, June 4, 1758
Bills and Receipts, July 19, 1759
Minister John Brainerd's message to the Ohio Indians, August 6, 1767
General Stanwix's letter to Israel Pemberton, 1759
Israel Pemberton's letter to General Stanwix, September 21, 1759
Delaware Chief Neewaylega's letter to Israel Pemberton, July 13, 1771
Receipts and Bills for Money
Bills and Receipts, June 20, 1758
John Ettwein's letter to James and Drinker, July 27, 1773
Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, April 2, 1759
Bills and Receipts, August 1, 1759
Pemberton's Letter from Isaac Whitelock, July 4, 1757
General Stanwix's letter to Israel Pemberton, September 8, 1759
Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Goods for Isaac Zane on going to Wyoming, May 21, 1758
List of Goods Returned from Lancaster, May 1757
