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31842 items [showing 101 - 120]


Philippine Exposition: World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904 : 40 different tribes, 6 Philippine villages, 70,000 exhibits, 130 buildings, 725 native soldiers
Student room, Pembroke East (room 7)
Taylor Hall corridor
Bryn Mawr College campus, general view
Exterior of second gymnasium
Denbigh Hall
M. Carey Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College
1979 Faculty Show
Snow scene, Bryn Mawr College campus
Marnette Wood
Merion Hall
Dalton Hall, Bryn Mawr College
Goodhart Hall
New gymnasium, Bryn Mawr College
Photograph of Cope Family
Bryn Mawr College campus, aerial view
May Day 1949
Deanery interior
Interior of Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
Anne Allen Knapp, Margaret Tyler, and Sara Ann Suppes
