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215 items [showing 101 - 120]


Reaping with Oxen
Smaller man is Stephen Vlaskamp
Devastated Districts in Marne. Horse and cart in foreground.
Montfaucon as Mission found it 1919
Headquarters Golaucourt
Rheims Cathedral. Statue of Joan of Arc in front Friends are working at Rheims.
Hospital at Rheims.
Villers-sous-Chatillon qeul view.
Interior of work shop at Ornans. Former automobile body building plant.
Map. Verdun. / Verdun district.
Construction gang - Cafe Robinson Dole
A Donkey Cart.
Machine shop Ornans.
Children at Bettancourt.
Grange-le-Comte. Distant view.
Window shop at Ornans. / Ornans Window shop
Haverford Unit #1. Summer 1917
Ouvroir at Les Islettes
Group at Grange Aug 1919
