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2890 items [showing 101 - 120]


1894 August 15, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1895 August 19, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, April 10, 1893
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, April, 07, 1891
Mary Searing Wood and Samuel Wood letter to Mary Kite
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, December 10, 1893
1895 July 28, N.E. Harbor, to My dear Mother
1895 June 20, Minnewaska, to Dear Cousin Anna
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, February 27, 1894
1896 July 23, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1867 June 8, Newport, to Mother & Sisters
1837 October 30, Harrisburg, to Alfred
1872 August 6, Fall River, to Mama
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, January 31, 1894
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, April 05, 1891
1833 August 8, Philadelphia, to Dear Brother, Eatontown N.J.
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, April 19, 1893
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, March 1, 1893
1887 September 29, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, December 03, 1893
