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222 items [showing 101 - 120]


Summary of indentures from William Forbes to William Stephenson, John Vannest, William Huckel, and John Teaney, 1790s
Agreement with John T. Barr, 1829 September 9
Court certification regarding Samuel Johnson, 1850 December 2
William Bingham's Will, 1804 January 30; certified 1845 January 10
Land grant
Memorandum of Agreement between Francis R. Cope, Thomas P. Cope, Edward Tatnall Warner and Alfred Dupont Warner, 1892 June 3
Inventory and Appraisal of the Reala and Personal Estate of Henry Cope, 1865 October 9
Lease between Thomas P. Cope, Francis Algernon Evans, Francis Reeve Cope and John Paramore and William Paramore, 1910 June 6
Indenture from John T. Barr to Stephen Girard, 1830 September 18
Indenture from William Forbes to William Stevenson (Stephenson), 1796 May 21; certified by Richard L. Lloyd, 1845 January 7
No unsatisfied judgment against George Reed, 1812 November 7
Indenture from William Forbes to John Vannest, 1795 September 7, certified by Richard L. Lloyd, 1845 September 9
Land grant
