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215 items [showing 81 - 100]


Embroidery. France
German dugout used as equipe by Mission Workers
Children at Bettancourt
Map. Verdun. / Verdun district.
Construction gang - Cafe Robinson Dole
A Donkey Cart.
Refugees waiting at the station
Map of Verdun district.
Map of Northern France
W. Biddle and H. Scattergood
Map of battle front / Map of Battle Front.
Mattress distribution. France
Children at St. Remy with nurse
Brabant-en-Argonne - Stores of Mission. / Cooperative store. Brabant-en Argonne.
Brizeaux Hospital.
Cite des Amis. (Neuvilly)
Mission hut on Hindenburg Line. Wire entanglement. Marvin Short.
Samoens Babies.
Typical Refugee Family.
Building school house at Montblainville.
