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131 items [showing 81 - 100]


1895; Second Triennial Resolutions
Maine W.C.T.U. Annual Convention; Dexter; Sept. 19-21, 1906
National Delegate
National Superintendent; Hartford; 1906
Delegate. Peace Congress. Chicago. June 29-July 1, 1951.
Pax [pin]; 9e Congres Int.; L.I.F.P.L.; 26-31 VII 1937; Luhacovice - Tchecoslovaquie [ribbon]; Miss E.S. Brinton; U.S.A. [paper tag]
World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Ninth Convention; Brooklyn, N.Y.; U.S.A.; October 23-28; 1913
Annual Convention; Maine W.C.T.U.; Houlton, 1895
W.N.I. R. Delegate
Forty-third Annual Convention; National Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Indianapolis, Ind.; Nov. 17-22; 1916
Twenty-Fifth Annual Convention; Maine  W.C.T.U.; Portland; 1899
WILPF Great Day Congress; Greeley, CO; July 24-28, 1996
Auburn, Maine; M.W.S.A.; Oct. 28-30, 1903
National W.C.T.U.; Baltimore; 1895
W.N.I.A.; Boston; December 1901; Delegate
1st Annual Canada-USA-USSR Festival of Friendship; Windsor 1983
National Superintendent; Washington; 1900
Lest We Forget. Hiroshima.Nagasak.i.45. 81. First National H/N Commemoration. Aug 5-9.
Memorial Convention; National W.C.T.U; St. Paul, Minn.;Nov. 11-16, 1898; Crusade...Anniversary; 1873; 1898
Vietnam Community Meeting. End The War. Berkeley. May 21, 1965.
