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183 items [showing 81 - 100]


1887 July 22, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1865 May 3, Baltimore, to Mother and Sisters
1838 November 11, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Henry Dickinson letter to Robert Haydock
List of articles to Abby Hopper Gibbons
Martha Schofield letter to Mary Ash Jenkins
Anna Webster Bunting letter to Martha Schofield
Hoyt's German Cologne
E.G. Burrows', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Fine Clothing
Boston & Meriden Clothing Co. Grand Holiday Sale
Leinbach & Bro., Clothiers
Ball's Health Preserving Corsets
The light running domestic sewing machine
Une Correction : Grand Magasin du Printemps
Hartford One-Price Clothing Co.'s Spring Announcement
Use Clark's Spool Cotton on White Spools : It Is Superior to All Others for Hand and Machine Use
Alfred Williams, Glover.
Leading Boot and Shoe Dealers
Leading Boot and Shoe Dealers
Mrs. Sophia Rau, Fashionable Milliner
