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487 items [showing 81 - 100]


Shell-holes filled with water.
Haverford Unit Summer of 1917.
Feeding the thresher.
Cellar roofed over for shelter.
Dr. Babbitt at Sermaize
Mothers and Babies at Maternity at Chalons.
Pantomime of French Provinces Le Grandier
Boy Scout Calisthenics Drill Le Grandier.
Chicken rearing about 4,000 chickens were distributed during [illegible]
Chateau Hospital at Sermaize
The Fountain Sermaize
Hollow brick house at Sermaize Cite.
Elliott, Curtis, Johnson, Crompton, [illegible], Orusted, Warren, Smith, Marshall, Lippy, Robison
Equipe Living Room. Shell-hole. / Closer view of living-room and shell-hole.
Sermaize. Washer woman./ Equipe Washerwoman at Sermaize
Equipe at Malabry.
Lumber Yard at Ornans.
Harvesting- Threshing
Boy Scouts at Le [illegible]
Children's ward Chateau hospital
