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115 items [showing 81 - 100]


1851 May 28, Woodbourne, [to my dear Brother]
1872 September 23, Connymeade, to Dear Alexis
1838 February 22, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1889 August 29, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1866 September 23, Laurel House, Catskill, to Dear Anna
1877 June 12, Awbury, to My dear Sisters
1874 January 11, Connymeade, to My dear Cousin Sarah
1854 October 9, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1862 October 15, to My Dear Sarah
1865 July 23, Awbury, to Dear Sister
1838 December 16, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1873 October 17, Awbury, to My dear brother
1889 September 15, Petersham Mass, to Dear Franky
1856 January 19, Philadelphia, to My dear Clemmy
1872 November 10, Connymead, to Alex
1893 September 6, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1851 October 25, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1858 March 3, Woodbourne, to My dear Annie
1862 August 22, Philadelphia, to My dear Harry, Westtown
1892 September 9, Awbury, to Dear Elizabeth
