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347 items [showing 81 - 100]


1877 June 30, Catskill, to My dear Sisters, England
1908 April 15, Awbury, to My dearest Elizabeth
1906 July 29, Cliff House, to my dear Nettie
Dorothy Burr Thompson diary, July 26-November 24, 1923
1882 September 3, Meadowfield, to sister
1875 June 25, Awbury, to Brothers & Sister
1835 February 23, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1907 June 28, Jamestown, to My dearest Parents
1900 July 8, Bay Voyage Hotel Jamestown, Conancut, Rhode Island, to My dear Clementine, Minnewaska, New York
1867 July 21, Laurel House, to Father
1910 August 6, Jamestown, to My dearest Mother
1833 April 25, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1883 July 23, Philadelphia, to wife
1891 July 16, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1901 August 14, Jamestown R.I., to My dear mother
Land grant
1883 July 27, Woodbourne, to Anna
1867 December 27, Woodford, to my dear Friend
1876 August 16, Sunnyside, Mayfield, near Ashbourne, to My dear Friend
1877 June 12, Awbury, to My dear Sisters
