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1878 items [showing 81 - 100]


Stockholders Minute (1845-04-29)
Managers Minute (1845-03-06)
Managers Minute (1845-03-11)
Joshua Evans Journal, 1794 4mo. 20 - 1796 6mo. 13
Joshua Evans Journal, 1796 12mo. 18 - 1798 7mo. 7
Joshua Evans Journal, 1795 7mo. 29 - 1796 12mo. 17
Account of a Journey to the Indian Country
Jacob Lindley's Account
Journey into Indian Country
Visit to Oneida and Other Tribes of Indians
Journal and Correspondence
Letter to the Quarterly Meeting of Friends at Hopewell
Letter to the Shawanese, Delawares & others from Quakers of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Letter to Western Indians from the Meeting for Sufferings
Memorial to Congress
Letter to the Cherokee Nation from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Letter to the Indians Assembled at the Rapids of the Miami
Letter to John Drinker from Friends
Missionary's address to the Chiefs of the Six Nations of Indians and their response.
Letter to John Parrish and others from General McKee
