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99 items [showing 81 - 99]


Sermon excerpt
Land grant from John de Hylethorne
Legal document
Phylactery book
Decretals of Pope Boniface VIII, Book VI
Breviary excerpt
Land grant from Roger de Betton son of Richard de Betton
Hymn excerpt
Legal document
Liturgical text excerpt
Letter from Justus Lipsius, May 11, 1595
Letter from Isaac Casaubon, August 29, 1601
Peace. Shalom. Pax. Paz
Letter from Justus Lipsius
Hymn excerpt
Ecclesiastical text
Breviary excerpt
Phthonography: or, An accurated description of Envy / according to the original Latin (with some alteration and addition) in Ovid's Met. b.2. Wherein, G. Keith may see his own picture drawn (in part) to the life .
