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794 items [showing 781 - 794]


1882 August 16, Newport, to Dear papa, Awbury
1882 August 16, Newport, to Dear Papa, Awbury
1906 February 4, Awbury, to My dear Chellie
1893 September 15, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1893 September 12, Awbury, to Dear Wife
1908 September 23, North East Harbor, to Dear Ernest
1902 September 12, Awbury, to Dear Rachel
1858 October 4, Awbury, to Rachel R. Cope Jr
Letter from W. Wright to Francis Reeve Cope, 1906 January 18
Letter from W. Wright to Francis Reeve Cope, 1906 January 10
Financial record of Harold Evans, 1933 March 31
Letter from Nathaniel H. Evans to Joseph Morris Evans, 1993 January 12
1897 January 12, [to Mrs. Francis R. Cope], Awbury
Letter from Francis Algernon Evans to Rachel R. Cope Evans, 1925 June 26
