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794 items [showing 681 - 700]


1895 September 22, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1860 August 12, Awbury, to Sisiter
Image of Arthur Evans in the Germantown Friends School Yearbook, 1938
Letter from Anne Tall Evans to Anna Rhoads Evans, 1946 February 23
1866 September 8, Awbury, to Father
Letter from Thomas Pim Cope to Rachel Cope Evans, 1924 October 31
1867 July 18, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1888 August 16, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1876 July 13, Awbury, to Dear Anna
1865 October 1, Awbury, to Mother
Letter from the Charles Warner Company to Thomas P. Cope Jr., 1903 June 27
1899 June 15, Awbury, to My dear Chellie
1882 September 3, Newport, to My very dear husband, Awbury
Letter, 1858 July 1
1889 September 1, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1895 July 11, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1890 August 2, Awbury, to Dear Anna, Newport
1867 September 22, Awbury, to Father
1890 August, to My dear Sister
