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251 items [showing 61 - 80]


Martha Schofield, Pioneer Negro Educator
Oliver Johnson letter to Martha Schofield
Catharine H. Truman letter to Martha Schofield
Caroline Green letter to Martha Schofield
H.J. Schofield letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield letter
Martha Schofield draft letter to the Woman's Journal
Martha Schofield letter to her sister(s)
Martha Schofield letter to her sister(s)
Martha Schofield letter to her sisters
Martha Schofield letter to her sisters
Martha Schofield letter to her sister
Martha Schofield letter to her sister
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield; Margaret Wynne letter to Mary Taylor Stone
Essay about Martha Schofield and Elizabeth Yarnall
Ellen M. Patrick letter to Martha Schofield; Martha Schofield letter draft
Ellen M. Patrick letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield letter to Sadie Brouwer Bartram
Martha Schofield letter to the Barnwell People
Benson J. Lossing letter to Thomas Mott; Lucretia Mott letter to Benson J. Lossing
