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104 items [showing 61 - 80]


E.D.C poem
Elizabeth Cady Stanton letter to Lucretia Mott
Graceanna Lewis letter to Alice Fussell
Graceanna Lewis letter to Ellen Fussell Cope
Graceanna Lewis letter, story extract, and poem to Alice Fussell and Robert Fussell
Ellen Collins letter to Anna M. Jackson
Graceanna Lewis letter to Alice Fussell
Enoch Adams poems
Emily Howland card
Letter fragment
Rebecca F. Underhill letter to Emily Howland
Louise Maher postcard to Emily Howland
A Message from the Years: To the Officers and Members of the Brooklyn Woman's Club
Graceanna Lewis essays and poetry
1818 July 17, to My dearest Rachel
Poems to Ann Sharpless
1858 July 25, Awbury, to My dear girls, Woodbourne
Mira Sharpless Townsend letter to her daughters
Mira Sharpless Townsend letter to Samuel Townsend
Mira Sharpless Townsend letter to Ellen N. Stephens
