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81 items [showing 61 - 80]


Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to Dr. Anthony Heger
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
William Still to J. M. McKim
J. M. McKim to E. F. Pennypacker (1861)
William Still to E. F. Pennypacker (1855)
H. B. Stanton to William Tyler
Thomas Garrett to E. F. Pennypacker (1846)
Abby Kelly to Friends Pennypacker
James Mott to Dear Friend
J. M. McKim to Dear Friend
Thomas Garrett to E. F. Pennypacker (1856)
William Still to E. F. Pennypacker (I)
William Still to E. F. Pennypacker (II)
J. M. McKim to E. F. Pennypacker (1858)
Friends Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen, Executive Minutes
Graceanna Lewis Underground Railroad memoir
Julia Wilbur diary, 1847-1854
Frank B. Fay letter to Abby Hopper Gibbons
Handwritten copy of congressional act
Consequences of Slavery
