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97 items [showing 61 - 80]


Mary Child estate document
Mary H. Child letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield account book, 1891-1915
Martha Schofield tax return
Lucretia Mott account book
James Mott and Lucretia Mott canceled checks
James Mott estate account book
William Penn Howland letter to Emily Howland
Emily Howland account book
Emily Howland letter to Hannah Letchworth Howland
Letter to Emily Howland
D. B. Smith account of money owed by Emily Howland
Emily Howland account book and diary
Emily Howland account book and notes
Emily Howland account book
Emily Howland letter fragment to Slocum Howland
Maria Wood Foote letter
Emily Howland receipts
Emily Howland record of gifts and loans
Howard W. Elkinton letter to Samuel Mason
