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131 items [showing 61 - 80]


XVI Weltfriedenskongress; Munchen [Munich]; Sept. 1907
Delegate; Indianapolis 1902; Friends' Five Years Meeting
N.W.C.T.U.; Department; Peace and International Arbitration
WILPF; Disarmament and Development; 1977; Tokyo
National W.C.T.U.; 33rd Annual Convention; Hartford, Conn.; 1906
27th Annual Convention of the Maine W.C.T.U.; Waterville; Sept. 16-18
Alternate; National Convention; Socialist Party; Cleveland; May 23-26, 1936
Winthrop Centre Sunday School Field Day; Tuesday, August 25, 1903; At The Narrows
National W.C.T.U. Convention; Cleveland; 1873; 1894
Annual Convention; M.W.S.A.
World Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Fifth Biennial Convention; Edinburgh, June 22-26, 1900
Annual Convention, Maine; W.C.T.U.; Bath, September 28-30, 1897
WILPF; Goucher College; Augusto Boal; July '98; Creating A Culture Of Peace;
Second Annual; Kennebec County; L.T.L. Convention; Winthrop; May 8, 1897
Annual Convention; Maine; W.C.T.U.; Biddeford, Sept. 24-26, 1901
1893; Judge; Columbian Exhibition
National W.T.A. Convention; Portland, Maine; 1898
Convention; National W.C.T.U.; Buffalo, New York; Oct. 29 to Nov. 3; "Love Never Faileth"
National W.C.T.U. Convention; Seattle, Wash.; Oct. 20-26, 1899; Silver Anniversary; 1874; 1899
