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73 items [showing 61 - 73]


Ed Frueh, Dealer in Fine Stationery, Segars & Tobacco
A. R. Howbert, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Musical Instruments, & c.
Wm. D. Allen, London and New York Publishing Company
Musical Instruments, Lithographic Prints, Engravings (Joseph J. Ditterich)
Potter's Complete Bible Encyclopedia (John E. Potter & Co.)
Publishers, Booksellers, and Manufacturers (John E. Potter & Company)
"The best thing in a girl's life" : early women's colleges in fiction and fact exhibit, archived website
Guide to the collection of European Travel Accounts printed before 1850, archived website
Guide to the Illustrated Botanical Books collection, archived website
Guide to the Books on London collection, archived website
Luxuriant nature smiling round exhibit, archived website
Books, printers, and the information revolution in early modern Europe exhibit 1450-1600, archived website
