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487 items [showing 61 - 80]


Hill at Clermont
American cemetery. Romagne.
Huts at Besancon/ Huts at Besancon Children in foreground
Northland and some water.
Shop at Pargny.
Dump of Agricultural Machinery. / Dump of agricultural machinery discarded by armies.
Edith Pye at Chalons.
Before building huts at Besancon.
The last customer Packing up camion after sale.
Store houses at Varennes
Mens ward Brizeaux / Men's Ward Brizeaux
Refugee canteen in the Marne.
On Board S.S. Northland 'The gangs all here' 1-22-19
Putting up frame-work for camp building in war zone. / Frame work for camps building in war-zone
A good meal somewhere in France.
Troyes Cite. Lewis Gamett with cart load of special friends.
Former ville children ready for a party.
Neuvilly cite de Amis.
School at Bettancourt.
