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91 items [showing 61 - 80]


Letter fragment
Isaac T. Hopper Correspondence, Family Correspondence
Julia Wilbur pocket diary, 1863
New York Association of Friends for the Relief of those held in Slavery &c., Financial Papers
New York Association of Friends for the Relief of those held in Slavery &c., minute book
Julia Wilbur diary, 1854-1856
Julia Wilbur diary, January to May 1865
Julia Wilbur pocket diary, 1861
Emily Howland letter to Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati
Lucretia Mott and Mary Grew letter to Leonard Myers
Lucretia Mott letter to John and Rebecca Ketcham
Mira Sharpless Townsend letter to Samuel Townsend
George Combe letter to Lucretia Mott
Elizur Wright letter to Theodore Dwight Weld
William Howland letter to Caroline F. Putnam
S.B. Hambleton letter to Anna M. Jackson
Mary Grew letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Lucretia Mott biographical sketch
Lucretia Mott letter
Mary Grew letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
