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76 items [showing 61 - 76]


Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Maria Mott Davis letter to her brother
Maria Mott Davis letter to Edward Morris Davis
Maria Mott Davis letter to Martha Mott Lord
Maria Mott Davis letter to Edward Morris Davis
Maria Mott Davis letter to Edward Morris Davis
Maria Mott Davis letter to Edward Morris Davis
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to Sarah Hopper Gibbons Emerson
Mary Grew letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Mary Grew letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Maria Mott Davis letter to Anna Davis Hallowell; Susan Roberts manuscript
Mary Grew letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Anna Davis Hallowell notes
Edward Morris Davis letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Jane Addams letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
Edward Hopper letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
