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93 items [showing 61 - 80]


Marking attendance.
'Straight ahead' - Harvey Perry's Ford.
Ernest Votaw - 11 + 6 yr. old children.
A poor home.
Effects of Tuberculosis + Rickets - 8 yrs. old.
War children with old face + lock-lustre eyes.
Catherine Cox and a group of children.
The 'Quaker Child' par excellence.
Dr. Herta Kraust +  Ernest Votaw in Ford owned by French Mission.
Shoes with paper tops.
Stern of the Sark. James Vail + Arthur Jackson.
The International Bridge.
Student Bread Line.
German children Thank you. Drawing by a German child.
Service Star
Sheep used for milk + wool for stockings.
Tubercular girl - 17 yrs. old.
Biggest kitchen in Europe - food cooked here for 35,000 children.
Map showing feeding districts in Germany.
