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347 items [showing 61 - 80]


1867 September 23, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1867 July 28, Laurel House, to Father
1873 July 23, London, to Father
1867 July 12, Awbury, to Dear Clemmie, Elizabethtown, N.Y.
1867 September 18, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1896 September 22, Afternoon, to My dear Husband
1833 September 27, Woodbourne, to S.
1869 September 26, to My dear Sister Clemence
1900 August 21, Awbury, Germantown, to Hannah Simpson My dear Friend, England
1876 May 19, Paris, to Mother
Letter from Dora to Nathalie Gookin, January 12,     1918
1893 September 21, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1840 October 19, Stockport, to Henry Cope, my dear Friend
1867 August 18 and 20, Newport, to Father
1882 July 14, Awbury, to Dear Father
1901[?] March 15, Swallowfield, to My dearest Mother
1904 June 26, Jamestown R.I., to My dear mother
The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the Slave-Trade [original manuscript]
Mary Anna Longstreth letter to Isaac Collins and Rebecca Collins
1876 May 6, Geneva, to Mother
