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620 items [showing 581 - 600]


Memoranda of various kinds
Bills and Receipts, June 28, 1760
John Hunt's letter to Israel Pemberton, June 28, 1760
Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Greace Dunne's letter to Israel Pemberton, July 29, 1758
Minutes of Treaty at Easton with the Indians, July 28, 1756
Various memoranda
Memoranda of various kinds
Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Exemplification of Indian Grant of Land in Pennsylvania to the Proprietors, July 1754
Account between the Friendly Association and Israel Pemberton, Goods on hand
Account between the Friendly Association and Israel Pemberton, February 6, 1762
Bills and Receipts, May 28, 1759
Proposal to Governor on message to the Munsies, October 1761
Nathaniel Holland's letter to Israel Pemberton, May 6, 1759
List of Goods Returned from Easton
Pemberton's Letter from Benjamin Lightfoot, September 7, 1760
Israel Pemberton's letter to Charles Read, September 10, 1758
Charles Read's letter to Israel Pemberton, September 11, 1758
Message from the Governor of Pennsylvania to the Assembly on Indian Affairs, March 23, 1758
