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620 items [showing 561 - 580]


Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Nathaniel Holland's letter to Israel Pemberton, January 1, 1760
Bills and Receipts; Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, January 31, 1759
Minutes of the Treaty at Easton with the Indians, July 31, 1757
Epistle from London Meeting for Sufferings to Philadelphia Meeting for Sufferings, March 27, 1761
Receipts for Money, February 16, 1757
Pemberton's Letter from Conrad Weiser, , April 25, 1756
Israel Pemberton's letter to John Forbes, October 26, 1758
Minutes of the Friendly Association, December 4, 1756
Account of conference with Indians at Fort Pitt, June 29, 1774
Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, February 10, 1759
Bills and Receipts, September 13, 1758
Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, March 2, 1759
Israel Pemberton's letter to General Stanwix, July 25, 1759
Account between the Friendly Association and Israel Pemberton, April 11, 1759
Israel Pemberton's letter to James Sinclair, July 31, 1759
Account between the Friendly Association and Israel Pemberton, April 17, 1759
Bills and Receipts, April 9, 1759
Proposal to Governor on message to the Munsies, October 1761
Friendly Association's letter to James Erwin, November 22, 1763
