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215 items [showing 41 - 60]


[Walking Alongside Train]
Tuberculosis huts near Chateau Hochette
La Source Sermaize nearer view than 158
Samoens (Bellevue) locations for T.B. women and children
Shops at Dole
Building school houses at Montblainville
Villers-sous-Chatillon - Visit of R.M. Jones and Henry Scattergood - Sunday gathering of the 7 [illegible] in Chatillon district-
Creche for Babies at Chalons.
Varennes Pancake line.
Visiting refugee family.
Clermont. Two views from same spot before + after war.
Sale at Pargny
Group of American workers at Gruny reaping[?] works.
Students Hostel Paris.
Nurses at Bettancourt. Kennedy & Lester
German prisoners and French guards.
K. Greenfield talking to old lady at Chatel.
Store houses at Varennes
Worker on roof (Joes Haines)
Sermaize Chateau Staff.
