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104 items [showing 41 - 60]


1902 July 31, Holderness, to My beloved pater
Margaret Jones Burleigh letter to Emily Howland
Martha Schofield letter to Sadie Brouwer Bartram
A prayer occasioned by hearing of the severe sickness of a much esteemed friend
1834 January 6, Philadelphia, to Susan
1897 January 19, Olney, to Francis & Anna Cope
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, February 21, 1894
1893 September 16, Philadelphia, to Dear Wife
Poem to Martha Schofield
Poem and quote extracts
Rachel Price Hicks letter to Martha Schofield
John Bunting letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield commonplace book, 1858-1884
Martha Schofield poem
Gathering Seed by Josephine Pollard
Ellen Murray poem to Martha Schofield
Letter to Martha Schofield
Letter to Martha Schofield
Sarah J. Ash and Lydia A. Schofield letter to Martha Schofield
Lucretia Mott letter to W. H. Channing
