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88 items [showing 41 - 60]


Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
Martha Schofield letter to Eliza H. Schofield
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
Chloe Lankton letter to Rebecca White
1879[?] August 19, Giessbach, to My dear Aunt Caroline
1836 June 2, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
Eliza H. Schofield and Lydia A. Schofield letter to Martha Schofield
Eliza H. Schofield and Mary H. Child letters to Martha Schofield
Eliza H. Bell letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield notes about Darius Bauknight
Mary H. Child letter to Martha Schofield
Jane Jackson Price letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield letter to her sister(s)
Martha Schofield letter to her sister
