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167 items [showing 41 - 60]


1884 July 10, Awbury, to Frankie
1895 December 26, Lakewood, to My dear Cousin
1892 June 19, Brielle, to Dear Mother
1897 September 19, Woodbourne, to Dearest Mother
1887 August 21, Newport, to My dear Frankie
1880 June 14, Geneva, to Lily
1886 August 31, Swan Hotel Lichfield England, to My dear Lilly
1899 July 16, Gurteen Cottage, to My dearest Elizabeth
1883 August 21, Awbury, to Dear Franky
1886 September 13, Awbury, to Dear Lilly, Woodbourne
1887 October 21, Woodbourne, to Dear Wife
1878 January 4, Hotel de Florence, to My Dear Sister
1896 August 16, Woodbourne, to Dearest Mother
1877 August 26, Montrose, to Sister
1883 July 9, Montrose, to Mother
1886 August 17, Woodbourne, to Mother
1896 October 28, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
1899 January 30, Awbury, to My beloved sister
1879 July 13, Newport, to Mother
1887 July 18, Philadelphia, [to Rachel R.C. Evans]
