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347 items [showing 41 - 60]


1876 January 8, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1867 September 12, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1834 January 21, Funchal, Madiera, Dear Brother
Memoirs of the lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford : two of the earliest public advocates for the emancipation of the enslaved Africans
1876 August 17, Awbury, to Dear Anna
1875 August 11, Philadelphia, to Anna
1837 May 31, Philadelphia, to Dear Father
1869 September 5, Vale of Chamouni, to My dear Alexis
1843 August 31, Philadelphia, to Dear Parents
Letter to Jonah Thompson, 1756-04-24
1905 August 9, North East Harbor, to My dear Chellie
1893 October 24, Woodbourne, to dear Mother
1843 September 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Father
1878 June 28, Sunnyside, Mayfield, near Ashbourne, England, to My dear Friend
Land grant
1901 August 5, Awbury, to Mother
Letter with photos to John Killik
1899 May 10, Hot Springs, to My darling wife
1905 July 15, North-East Harbor, to My dear Chellie
Sarah Wheeler letter to Rebecca Collins
