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1877 items [showing 41 - 60]


William Lloyd Garrison to Joseph Dugdale (1852)
Theodore Parker to Joseph Dugdale (1855)
William Still to J. M. McKim
J. M. McKim to E. F. Pennypacker (1861)
William Still to E. F. Pennypacker (1855)
H. B. Stanton to William Tyler
Thomas Garrett to E. F. Pennypacker (1846)
Abby Kelly to Friends Pennypacker
James Mott to Dear Friend
J. M. McKim to Dear Friend
Pennsylvania Hall Association, Legal and Financial Papers
Construction Bills
Stock Receipts
Payments to creditors
Pennsylvania Hall, Retrospective Newspaper Articles
Managers Minute (1845-01-13)
Managers Minute (1840-07-14)
Managers Minute (1845-06-06)
