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447 items [showing 41 - 60]


Dr. [Alice] Hamilton... [title of the newsclipping, not of the scrapbook]
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Janet N. Neuman, 2815 Brandywine St., Washington 8, D.C., 1954-1956.
Scrap Book
Press Notices
Practical Policy of Disarmament [title of the newsclipping, not of the scrapbook]
Women's Peace Demonstration [title of the newsclipping, not of the scrapbook]
Scrap Book. Peace.
broadside "National War Almanac" [title of the item, not of the scrapbook]
M. Kelsey [title of the item, not of the scrapbook]
U-File-M Binder Scrap Book
Conscientious Objectors
Scrapbook. Mississippi.
Quakers Picket Ban On Hanoi Aid [title of the newsclipping, not of the scrapbook]
4th Pilgrimage of Peace Pilgrim
Fifth Crusade of Peac Pilgrim, The. Scrapbook II.
Ideal Scrap Book, The. Peoples Mandate Committee.
Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice
