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293 items [showing 241 - 260]


1892 June 5, Awbury, to Dear Anna
1911 May 10, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1902 July 31, Holderness, to My beloved pater
1896 September 22, Mossgiel, to My dear husband
1879 July 8, Massey Farm, to Mother
1911 July 9, Woodbourne, to My dearest sister
1882 September 8, Newport, to My dearest husband, Awbury
1882 August 24, Newport, to My dearest husband
1883 June 22, Philadelphia, to wife
1887 October 7, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1904 July 21, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1905 September 5, Jamestown R.I., to Mother
1890 September 3, Awbury, to Dear Lillie, Woodbourne
1888 July 25, Philadelphia, to My dearest wife
1899 October 22, Awbury, to Mother
1892 September 9, Awbury, to Dear Elizabeth
1883 June 29, Philadelphia, to wife
1906 September 5, Jamestown, to My dearest Mother
1884 August 12, Awbury, to My dear Mother, Magnolia
1906 September 30, Awbury, to Mother
