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46 items [showing 21 - 40]


Peasants house in Polish village.
Sick with typhus.
Lithuanian Kitchen.
The house when done. Holme.
A lair for lice
Family of Four. Hostynne. Holme.
S.o.F. received these children that in Russia [illegible] in Poland. They are orphans.
Nurse drawing water for Typhus Patient.
Wasserstrom delivering clothing. Strong
Estate houses. Teptykow. Holme.
Village council - Food distribution. Strong I.
Church destroyed during war - Wilno[?] district.
The Unit delousing whole families.
Little mothers studying child bathing.
Dispensary - Malice. Holme. / Dispensary - Malice.
[Small Dwelling]
Outdoor playground for Babies.
To the members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends
Store houses at Varennes
