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73 items [showing 21 - 40]


Student Bread Line.
Tubercular Day Nursery. Eisenach.
Berlin school - Note Quaker food tilke[?] tied around neck for safe keeping.
Market place at Kiel.
Girl 14 yrs. old - weighs 46 1/4 lbs. Dresden.
Preparing the meal in Dresden. Domestic Science class.
Biggest kitchen in Europe - food cooked here for 35,000 children.
Milk cart showing dog power. Hamburg.
Medical exam. Mannheim.
Children at school - Leipzig.
First child feeding - Berlin. Feb. 26, 1920.
Weisbach - Erzgebirge.
Anna Grolbert - 7 yr. old girl.
Feeding centres in Berlin.
Quaker bread in a Berlin bakery.
Front row of boys all the same age. Werdau.
Note bent ankles from Rickets Waldenburg.
The last of the line waiting for dinner--Zoblitz Erzgeberge.
Student feeding. Berlin.
