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52 items [showing 21 - 40]


Beulah Hurley Waring letter
"She Helped the Hungry" newspaper clipping
Polish Report to American Friends Service Committee
Pen Pictures of Russian Village Life During the Famine
Beulah Hurley Waring letter
"A Country Village of the Famine Area" essay
"Thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death" essay
"News from Novo-Sergeevskaya" essay
"From a Car Window" essay
"Driftwood" essay
Beulah Hurley Waring journal
Friends International Service American Unit report
Dr. Clark letter to London
K. Lander memorandum to Caroline G. Norment
Friends' Relief Work in Central Europe report
"Poland To-Day and To-Morrow" pamphlet
Beulah Hurley Waring letter to American Friends Service Committee
Beulah Hurley Waring letter
"The Gleaners" essay
"The Winter in Kluchevskaya" essay
