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131 items [showing 21 - 40]


Ribbon on left: Promote Permanent Peace; Ribbon in center: International Conference; Ribbon on right: Women Workers
Women For A Meaningful Summit. November 19-20, 1985
Pin: XII; Interparliamentary Conference for; Medal: International Arbitration; Let Us Have Peace; St. Louis, USA; Sept. 12-13-14, 1904
9e Congres Int.; L.I.F.P.L.; 26-31 VII 1937; Luhacovice-Tchecoslovaquie; M. Scott Olmsted; U.S.A.
Columbian Year; Arbitration,Not War; Twenty-Sixth Annual; Peace Meeting; Mystic Grove; Aug. 29,30 and 31, 1893
tag: Pax; Ellen Starr Brinton; U.S.A; Ribbon: VII eme Congres de la Ligue I.F.P.L.; Grenoble; 15-19 Mai 1932
18th Varldsfredskongressen; Stockholm; 1910
Delegate; Special National Convenion; Socialist Party U.S.A.; March 26-29, 1937; Chicago, Ill.
Texas State Peace Congress; Baylor University; Waco::Texas; Nov. 19-21; 1907
All Workers Unite. Continental Congress. Wash., D.C.
pin: 1916; Ribbon: Woman's Peace Party
Delegate, United States Congress Against War; Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1, 1933; New York
World in Baltimore, The; Pageant of Darkness & Light; Lyric & E    xposition Hall; Oct. 25 to Nov. 30, 1912
Delegate [ribbon]. Keep Out of War [button]. Unite for Peace [armband]
Delegate; New England Arbitation & Peace Congress; May 8-11, 1910; Hartford & New Britain, Conn.
Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio [button]. Eighth Annual Convention. C.F.A.C.C.. Ohio State Cosmopolitan Club. Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. Dec. 26-29, 1914 [ribbon on left]. Representative [ribbon on right]
Labour and Socialist International Congress; Vienna; 1931; SDAP
Peace Congress; Glasgow; 1901
Top pin: Pax; Justitia; Quaeritur; Bottom pin: Congresso di Roma; 1891
