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523 items [showing 21 - 40]


1856 August, Germantown, to My dear Lilly and Chelly
1895 July 9, Awbury, to My dear mother
1904 February 27, Camden, S.C., to Dearest Mother
1882 July 14, Newport, to My very dear Jonathan
1883 September 30, Germantown, to Carrie
1879 October 19, Awbury, to father
Boy outside
1884 July 10, Awbury, to Frankie
1880 June 14, Geneva, to Lily
Bryn Mawr Summer Camp photograph album, 1951
1882 August 31, Newport, to My dearly beloved, Awbury
1882 August 9, Newport, to My dearest husband, Awbury
1885 July 26, Atlantic City, to My dear Mother
1885 July 7, Atlantic City, to My dearest husband
Mary Kite letter to Anna Walton
1880 September 15, Montrose, to My dearest husband
1886 August 17, Woodbourne, to Mother
1836 October 6, Woodbourne, [to Rachel R. Cope], Philadelphia
1887 August 12, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1883 July 15, Awbury, to wife
