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350 items [showing 21 - 40]


1894 July 12, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1885 August 26, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1887 August 27, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1897 January 14, Saranac Lake, to Dearest Mother
1887 September 28, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1896 July 10, Philadelphia, to My Dear Wife
1887 August 14, Montrose, to Dear Mother
1887 October 2, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1872 August 18, Mount Desert, to Parents
1876 July 2, Bateman's, to dear sister
1883 July 30, Woodbourne, to Caroline & Annette
1895 September 24, Awbury, to My dear mother
1887 July 31, Awbury, to Anna
1896 September 16, The Ruisseaumont, Lake Placid, Essex Co., N.Y., to My Dear Wife
1864 September 30, Newport, to My dear Lillie
1883 August 18, Philadelphia, to wife
1899 July 26, Mossgiel, to My dear sister
1869 October 14, Philadelphia, to My Dear Anna, Newport
1888 August 6, Awbury, to Dear Wife
1881 August 3, Halls' Cliff House, Newport, to My dear Husband
