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167 items [showing 21 - 40]


1894 July 18, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1888 July 29, Woodbourne, to Mother
1879 March 29, Hotel della Pace Rome, to My dear Lilly
1885 September 20, Awbury, to Dear Nephew
1895 July 9, Awbury, to My dear mother
1884 September 28, Awbury, to My dear Frankie
1880 March 21, Hotel de la Paix, Rome, to Lily
1887 June 29, Philadelphia, to Dear Frank, Newport
1896 July 23, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1898 November 6, Woodbourne, to Dearest Mother
1894 January 30, Old Ft. Comfort, to dearest Mother
1882 September 6, Newport, to My dearest Jonathan, Awbury
1882 July 19, Philada, to Anna
1887 August 3, Woodbourne, to Mother
1897 January 13, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1896 August 5
1877 June 26, Awbury, to Sisters
1880 November 11, Montrose, to Lilly
1896 July 2, Mossgiel, to My dearest Mother
1879 August 10, Montrose, to Rachel, Newport
