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4517 items [showing 21 - 40]


Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 1754 [extracts]
1841 April 30, Woodbourne, to my dear Brother, [Philadelphia]
1836 October 20, Hav. College, to Mother, Philadelphia
Julia Wilbur "Centennial" diary, 1876
Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of Women and Children in Reduced Circumstances committee report
1870 April 27, Philadelphia, to order of Hannah B. Evans, Check
Julia Wilbur "Excelsior" diary, 1886
Mary Kite letter to William Kite and Mary F. Kite
Isaac Collins letter to Rebecca Collins
1887 July 16, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1835, August, 1, Philadelphia, Dear Franky, Haverford School
Search for unpaid taxes in the names of John Tearney, Samuel and Ann Jackson, and Catharine Dredger, 1847 November 10
1835 November 3, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor centennial book
Mary Kite letter to Lydia B. Kite
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, October 26, 1893
1907 May 1, Awbury, to My truly loved Cousin
1876 August 13, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1838 November 6, Haverford, to Mother, Philadelphia
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor House of Industry report book no. 3
